POS-n-go Android POS Manual

Orders Screen

  • The orders screen displays open orders for the logged in operator and is used to create new orders.
  • The LOGOUT button will log the operator out and return to the login screen.
  • The FAST ORDER button will create a new fast order.
  • The WAITLIST button will switch to the customer waitlist screen.
  • The SCHEDULE button will switch to the appointment book screen.
  • The MORE button displays a list of operator level functions.
  • The NEW button will create a new order and switch to the order detail screen.
  • The ONLINE STORE ORDERS button will switch to the online orders screen.

  • Selecting an open order will display the order details and additional action buttons.
  • The VOID button will prompt for confirmation then remove the entire order.
  • The PRINT button will print the selected order to the receipt printer.
  • The PAY button will switch to the payment screen.
  • The EDIT option will switch to the order details screen.
  • Selecting any item in the order details list is the same as pressing the EDIT button.

Operator Functions

  • The SALES ORDERS button is used to manage sales orders.
  • The CUSTOMERS button is used to manage customers.
  • The MERGE ORDERS button will merge one order into another.
  • The GROUP PAY ORDERS button enables the payment of multiple orders at one time.
  • The VOID ORDER button is used to void an order.
  • The OPEN DRAWER button is used to open the cash drawer.
  • The RECEIPTS button displays a list of receipt functions.
  • The REPORTS button is used to print sales summary and sales detail reports.
  • The END OF DAY button button is used to perform an end-of day and upload all daily sales transactions. All orders must be closed prior.
  • The OPERATOR CLOCK button is used to clock in or out the current operator for employee time tracking.
  • The INVENTORY button is used to view and add products and receive inventory or adjust inventory counts.

Receipt Functions

  • The PRINT ORDER button is used to reprint an order slip for a closed order.
  • The PRINT RECEIPT button is used to reprint a receipt for a closed order.
  • The PRINT GIFT RECEIPT button is used to print a gift receipt for a closed order.
  • The PRINT TERMINAL RECEIPT is used to reprint a payment terminal receipt.
  • The EMAIL RECEIPT is used to send an email receipt for a closed order.
  • The TEXT MESSAGE RECEIPT is used to send a text message receipt for a closed order.