POS-n-go Online Booking Manual

Online Booking Settings


The Active checkbox allows you to enable or disable the entire online booking site.


The URL field is the location of your site at posngo.com. You can optionally purchase a custom domain name that links to this location.

Site Name

The Site Name field is the name of your online booking site.

Logo Image

The Logo Image field is where you select the image to use for your online booking. You must first upload it in the Online Booking, Logo & Images section.

Rotating Banner Images

The Rotating Banner Images allows you to optionally select images to be used for a rotating banner on the home page of your site. On a PC hold the Control key to select multiple images. You must first upload the images in the Online Booking, Logo & Images section.

Rotating Banner Text

The Rotating Banner Text allows you to optionally add text on top of each rotating banner image. Text for each image is on a separate line and in the same order as the image files listed in Rotating Banner Images.


Phone Number

Phone Number is used to obtain the customers phone number during the checkout process.

Phone Number Length

This is the length of the customer phone number.

Checkout Prompt

This optional prompt is used to capture additional order level information such as special instructions, an order reference, date or time. You must also configure Checkout Prompt Title and Checkout Prompt Text.

Text - Display a text input.

Date - Display a date input.

Time - Display a time input.

Checkout Prompt Title

This is the title for the Checkout Prompt.

Example: Pick-Up Date

Checkout Prompt Text

This is the text for the Checkout Prompt.

Example: Please enter the desired pick-up date

Announcement Text

This optional text message is displayed at the top of every page.

Instragram Link

This optional URL should point to your Instagram account.

Example: https://www.instagram.com/posngo/

Facebook Link

This optional URL should point to your Facebook account.

Example: https://www.facebook.com/pos.n.go.canada


Top Level Category

Top Level Category allows you to select a top level category. The default is to use all your parent categories. Use this if you would like to have a subset of categories.

The menu supports an unlimited number of parent categories and one level of unlimited child categories for each parent. Only these two levels are visible even if your child categories have another level of child categories belonging to them for in store.


Appointment Start Time

This controls the appointment hourly start time. A value of 30 minutes means appointments can start on the half hour. A setting of 60 minutes means appointments can only start on the hour.

Number of Days

This is the number of days in advance to display available appointment times.

New Customer

If set to on new customers can book appointments. If set to off new customers are prevented from booking appointments. You must also configure New Customer Message.

New Customer Message

This message is displayed to new customers. A match on Email Address or Phone Number is not found.

Existing Customer Message

This message is displayed to existing customers. A match on Email Adress or Phone Number is found.

Existing Appointment Message

This message is displayed to the customer when a future dated appointment is found and additional bookings are prevented. If empty then multiple appointments for the same customer are permitted.


Page Background

This is the page background color.

Top Menu Background

This is the top menu background color.

Side Menu Category Background

This is the side menu main category background color.

Side Menu Child Category Background

This is the side menu child category background color.

Menu Selected

This is the top and side menu background color when selected.

Menu Text

This is the top and side menu text color.

Header Text

This is the header text color.


This is the button background color.


This is the web link color.


This is the page text color.

Search Engines


This is a comma separated list of keywords related to your online store for search engines.


This is a description of your online store for search engines.

Meta Tags

This is for additional meta tags or other HTML formatted information that will be placed in the html head section.