Retail Features

An industry leading set of features will streamline your retail business.



Low cost tablet hardware package

All-in-one Elo PayPoint

Poynt smart terminal

Integrated barcode scanners

Integrated EMV payment terminals

Integrated Ohaus Valor legal trade scales



Unlimited number of operators

Fast numeric operator login or operator list selection

Optional operator password

Configurable operator name for receipts

Time clock in and clock out with confirmation 7 day activity receipt



Unlimited concurrent orders in progress

Product lookup by code, partial product name, browsing categories or barcode scan

Support for weight and price embedded barcodes

Easy product quantity update and price override

Item level tax type override

Display of running order quantity and amount subtotal

Order product review and order void

Merging of orders


Sales Orders

Sales orders to track customer sales processes

Ideal for repair shops, bike shops or other services with sales stages

Orders are stored on the server and available accross all devices

Sales stages for Created, Quoted, Scheduled, Completed and Invoiced

Custom branded sales order receipt

Online sales order payments


Online Store

Responsive technology for mobile phone, tablet and PC

Extensive look and feel configuration for your branding

Instant inventory for event tickets, classses, workshops or door crashers

Fast and easy customer check out experience

Unlimited product images with thumbnail and zoom

Unlimited product modifiers and upcharges

Configurable collection of phone number, billing address and shipping address

Custom checkout prompt to capture additional information

No charge, threshold based fixed amount or real-time Canada Post shipping

Unlimited category based shipping selector

Configurable online PCI compliant payments

Choose from Elavon, Nuvei or Stripe for online payments

Support for Apple Pay and Google Pay online payments

Automatic printing of orders in-store

View, void and complete orders from anywhere in the web portal

View, void, print and complete orders on your device

Optionally transfer online orders to your device for in-store payment

Online payments for customer accounts and sales orders

Multi-language English, French, Spanish & German


Discounts and Surcharges

Flexible discounts and surcharges

Fixed amount or percentage based

Item level discounts

Order level discounts calculated on total or category filtered

Configurable tax associated to order discount or surcharge

Per item tax override



Optionally associate orders to customers

Easily add new customers or find and update existing customers

Tracking of customer name, phone number, email address and notes

Easy lookup of existing customers by partial name or partial phone number

Unlimited length notes

Optional customer photos for identity verification

Optional responsive email receipts

Customer accounts for store credit and layaway

Online customer account payments

Customer loyalty points



Optionally associate products to suppliers

Tracking of supplier name, supplier ID, email address and notes

Optional supplier commission rate for consignment inventory

Optional supplier acquisition date for inventory aging

Supplier account for commissions, payments and current balance



Accurate inventory tracking using a stock diary

Optional product serial number tracking

Optionally set minimum reorder threshold and reorder quantity

Reorder reporting and CSV reorder file export for suppliers

Order receiving and inventory counts with barcode scanner

Instant inventory for products with limited quantity that are expected to sell out quickly



Integrated PCI compliant EMV and NFC payment terminal for credit and debit

Automatically send the payment amount to the terminal

Reloadable flexible amount gift cards

Customer loyalty points

Charge to customer account

Quick pay directly from the order screen

Unlimited split payments and configurable cash rounding

Display of change due to customer

Group payment of orders



Configurable receipt headers for merchant location information

Configurable receipt footers for advertising

Customer address and billing address for delivery and shipping

Detailed product information including description, quantity, price and total

Configurable printing of product code

Detailed tax and payment information

Gift receipts

Reprint of closed receipts

Reprint of payment terminal receipts

Custom branded email receipts

Custom branded text message receipts (3¢ per text)

Optional online receipt PDF copy


Appointment Book

Configurable list of schedulable resources such as stylists, spa rooms or consultants

Individual resource scheduled start and end times for every day of the week

Colour coded and instantly resized grid view

Fast and easy appointment create, update, delete and view

Quickly find appointment openings based on the amount of time needed

Easily find future customer appointments

Associate services and products to an appointment for fast customer check out

Customer history, customer notes, customer alert and appointment notes

Appointment status Scheduled, Confirmed, Arrived, Online, Canceled, No Show and Invoiced

Optionally send text message appointment reminders (3¢ per text)

Optionally confirm appointments with text message responses (3¢ per text)


Online Booking

Fully integrated to the appointment book

Responsive technology for mobile phone, tablet and PC

Extensive look and feel configuration for your branding

New appointment notification

Colour coded online booking appointment type and status

Fast and easy booking for customers

Time based services for salon style sequential appointments

Time and unit based services for pet groomer style overlapping appointments

Configurable number of days in advance to book

Configurable customer information collection (name, email, phone number, etc.)


Web Portal

Dashboard provides daily, monthly and comparative performance insight at a glance

Manage all your device settings in one place

Configure unlimited users, categories and products

Configure unlimited optional modifiers, upcharges, discounts and surcharges

Configure taxes for any region (GST, PST, HST, VAT, Ontario HST rebate, etc.)

Graphically design innovative receipt, account and order emails

Configure web portal users with individual feature access

View, adjust and generate re-orders for inventory

View customers, customer accounts and customer points

View suppliers and supplier accounts

View and adjust user time clock entries

View and complete online store orders

Export any of your system data in standard CSV format

Context linked help manual that includes video tutorials

Fast help with our support tickets Monday to Friday 07:00 to 19:00 MT

After hours support for only $49.99 per incident



Automatically emailed batch summary report for sales insight

Automatically emailed user audit report to monitor your staff from anywhere

Date and batch based sets of reports for businesses that operate past midnight

More than 70 financial and analytic reports

Full summary report provides insight into sales, taxes and payments

Accounting reports for any date range eliminate book keeping

Analytic reports provide insight into top products, categories, customers, sale periods and more

Standard PDF report format for viewing, saving and emailing

All reports can be output in CSV for import by accounting and other applications

What Our Clients Say

"I love the web portal graphs. You can just glance everyday to see how sales are. You don't have to dive deep if you just want a snap shot. There are so many reports you can run, it makes financial analysis phenomenal, its great."


Randy, Moody Bee

Compare and Save

 POS-n-goOther Retail Touch System
1 Tablet$29.99
USD / month
USD / month
No Contract 
No Hidden Fees 
Runs on Android Tablet 
Runs on PayPoint 
Runs on Poynt 
Runs on iPad 
Runs OfflineLIMITED
Product AttributesUNLIMITED 
Online Store 
Reloadable Gift Cards 
Fast Order Screen 
Appointment Book 
Online Booking 
Responsive Email Receipts 
Customer Loyalty Points 
Commission & Consignment 
Time Clock 
70+ Reports